Hi Darlings!
Background untk blog aku ni, ntah-paha-pe ke? Nak tau tak knpe tetibe je aku tukaq background ni? Ecehh, tak nak tau pun aku nak bgtau jgak.
Background aku ni merupakan salah satu dari karya terHEBAK oleh pengkarya terHEBAK,
Hmm, do any of you kenal sape Keith Haring ni? Keith Haring ni sape? A person ke? Femes ke? Of course laa Keith Haring ni a person (takkan laa a cow plak) and of course laa die ni femes.. Takkan tak kenal ken? Tapi, mgkin ade yg tak kenal, so nye... mehh sini aku nak habaq sape Keith Haring daebak ni.
Sbenonye aku ni pun tak bape nak tau sgt sape Keith Haring (KH) ni. Aku start tau pasal die ni lepas aku tgok gmbar ni dlm M/V sorg artis ni. Tapi tak ingt laa plak sape. Tajuk lagu tu 'I'm not Perfect' rasenye (It's a bit disturbing, honestly) Satu lagi lpas aku tgok tatu KH dkt lengan pujaan hati aku (kekeke) G-Dragon!
Inilaa tatu nye. I think it's kinda cool.
Hmm, I'm wondering what makes him have KH work tattooed on his arm.
Okay, move on. So after seeing these piece of work, Aku mula laa interested in his work of art. I find it very interesting and beautiful actually.
Okay, about KH. He is very famous for his work of art as he is a protester against racism, nuclear movement, homosexuality and so on.His imagery has become widely recognized around the 20th century.His field of art is mainly pop art dgn graffiti art and he was influenced by several inspirational person such as Dr. Seuss (I love his book!) Walt Disney dan jugak ayah die, Allen Haring. KH first public attention ialah chalk drawing dlm subway di New York City dan di capture oleh photographer Tseng Kwong Chi. Time ni, 'The Radiant Baby' jadi satu simbol kpd KH.![]() |
The Radiant Baby |

Beautiful isn't it? Mmg best kalo dpat satu mcm tu.
Tapi, first skali kene laa ade iPhone kan? Takde iPhone, ade kaver die aje, ape cer?
But, you have to admit it is pretty cool.
To me it is. How about you?
Anywhoo, smpai cni saje tntg Keith Haring. Esok (mksudnye hari ni..) aku nak berjalan ke Cameron! Ade ole-2 untk korg. Don't worry. Aku pos kan gmbar nye dlm blog nnti ye? HAHA~ Tak lawak ken?
Apape pun, His art is awesome. What do you think?