How you guys doing? I'm doing fine. I guess.. Wait until third semester reaaaaally starts, then I'll get busy like there's no tomorrow.
Oh did I tell you that?
It's a whole new semester baby!
and what's more, it's my third semester.
I finally will end... my misery. Oho~ such a drama queen.
Although I'm reaaaaaally sure that my third sem will be a hella of an experience, MEH!
I learned my lesson. I WILL NOT, I repeat... I WILL NOT waste my time and sucks on my thesis or so-called PBS, that darn stupid art show and especially my MUET test. I seriously will make sure that I'll get my band 5! Pretty high huh? Well, I can't help it~! I mean, the least requirement for taking TESL (untuk pendidikan laa, yg lain band 2/3 dah lepas~) is band 4.
A FREAKING BAND 4! And paling tinggi aku dapat is band 4. So macam mana tu? I at least kena dapatkan a higher band than that riiight~? It's a torture, I know.
Good thing English is something I'm good at.
For the time being, there's nothing much happening, really. I mean, new semester is pretty much like a whole new year. Okay, I know you guys know how it is.
Sekarang kitorang cuma tunggu for 'THE' moment to come, and we will get busy.
Sem ni aku dapat 2 PBS je.
One for BM, (yet again~) which is some sort of mini-thesis on a certain topic and we will work it out in groups. Of course, with the 'individual' presentation and stuffs. Kalau takde presentation bukan PBS lah namenye.
And one for my art class. This is pretty tough I dare say.
We have to complete our projects and stuff before we put our own 'Art Show' or 'Art Exhibition'... whatever you want to call it... on OUR own.
Sounds like a lot of hard work? HECK YEAH!
But to be honest, somehow I feel excited. And the tale between me and that certain someone are okay, I mean not too okay but just okay, I-guess-just-like-before okay, or nothing's-ever-happened kind of okay. Soooooooo~ it's okay. Right?
It's going to be hard, but this will be the last riiight? I have a feeling that this semester will be a lot more... em, I don't know, interesting?
So how about you guys? Got a good feeling too?
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