Geeky & Chic Updates

Friday, August 28, 2015

Social Media Icons

Hi guys. Wow. Two posts in a day huh? 
Yes, I've never done that before and no, it's not weird. 
Anyway, the reason I posted (again) today is because of this social media icon set that I'm currently using. If you guys notice, at the right side of this blog, yeah, I changed the icons. Neat huh? I like it. I've been using that scribbling icons for too long anyway.
So, umn, wondering where did I get those icons? Google ofc lol okay seriously, it's on iconfinder. There are tons of icons there, with various wonderful designs. You can pick whatever icons in the kind of style that suits your taste or your blog. It's awesome!
Mine is from Tiny Little Monster (so cute) the icons are minimalistic and colorful which is what I like the most. I like it being simple and not boring at the same time. There are other icons too; not limited to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram only. 
Click the pictures to enlarge.

(lol at my tabs yeah i'm watching Detective Conan rn)

You can copy this code and paste it on your 'Configure HTML/Javascript'.

<a href=""><span style="width: 20px; height: 20px;"><img src="" alt="" title="Add in Facebook" /></span></a>

<a href=""><span style="width: 20px; height: 20px;"><img src="" alt="" title="Follow on Twitter" /></span></a>

<a href=""><span style="width: 20px; height: 20px;"><img src="" alt="" title="Follow on Instagram" /></span></a></center>

RED: your social sites' URL (e.g: twitter, facebook etc)
BLUE: your selected icon's URL 

it's quite easy actually. If you guys are interested, you can download these icon sets for free by clicking the links I provided at the end of this post. If not, then you guys can just click the iconfinder website. Or just use Google. I hope you guys find whatever it is that you want.

Have a great day.
(p/s: i'm sorry for my terrible grammar but i'm too lazy right now so whatever. just bear with me)



2016 NASA's Red Planet (Mars)

Hi guys! 
Have you guys heard about flying to Mars thing? I'm sure some of you does. At least things like, engraving your names on a star. Well, this one is engraving your name on the microchip to Mars lol sounds quite fascinating don't you think? I've never done anything like this before actually and since I have nothing to do right now other than sprawling on my bed in front of my laptop so I joined this thing. 
It's called 2016 NASA's Red Planet (Mars). If you guys click the 'PARTICIPATE' tab you can see there are 4 options there. Mars for Everyone, Educators, Students and Kids. I clicked 'MARS FOR EVERYONE' and then clicked 'Send Your Name on InSight' 
(I swear this is not a tutorial wtf?!)

I've never been 'on board' with them before or a 'New Flyer' so I registered a new name. Though tbch I didn't use my name lol I used Oh Sehun's. Then they showed me this boarding pass 'Insight Mission to Mars' which honestly I thought it was kinda cool. Don't you think?

I even embed it, thinking of showing it to you guys lol I already share it on G+ (just click my name at the 'Roundabout') so check it out if if you guys want to engrave your own names or you can click here . You can earn points too! Be a frequent flyer and earn more points! Though I'm clueless to what the points are used for. Oh and it's free btw~! Awesome right? Everyone enjoys free stuffs. And it's all for good fun. Well, at least I have fun. Probably because I'm dying out of boredom here but whatever.

Have a great day~


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Detective Conan

Hey guys, what's up? Hope everything's going great for you guys.
As for me, nothing much. Everyday the same thing, sigh, I need to be more productive. But anyway, I'm in the middle of doing Detective Conan marathon. Not the movies, I finished those eons ago. It's the series, yeah I know, that's like 800+ episodes but what the heck. Now I'm already 300+. Mhmm I have that much time in my hands. I watched the series online ofc. No way I'm going through hell and back just downloading those episodes. Don't get me wrong but that's just too much work for me lol even though they're interesting. Yeah, Detective Conan is quite interesting and fun to watch tbh. Can be a little absurd sometimes, I mean, Conan got some serious luck or those characters are just plain stupid. Take Mouri Kogorou for example, odg that so-called detective is so frustrating and ridiculously naive sometimes I just want to tear his head off, yet at the same time, he has those qualities that you'll find yourself surprised. And then there's Mouri Ran. I'm sorry but Ran ticked me off most of the time (if not the entire episodes I've watched so far) because sometimes she's this teenage girl who can't stop bothering, worrying (sometimes over nothing) for other people that she brought harm to herself. And I'm like, girl, calm down okay?! They're doing fine just now and then you just have to make them worried about you. But then again, the story wouldn't be twice as interesting if Ran didn't threw herself out of the window or jumped of a building or a ship. And there are lots of scenes between Kudou Shinichi and Ran that makes me frustrated even more. I'm like, I admire you guys for your loyalty, but you guys are so fucking slow! But then again, it wouldn't be a story if they worked out so fast. Hmm. Though tbch I like the dynamics  between Haibara Ai and Conan or Shinichi whichever. It's subtle, not so much, but it's there, you know? I think it's a great addition to the series. Love triangle is a complicated shit but yeah you've got to admit it's fun to watch. But what I love the most is the connection Shinichi had with Hattori Heiji. Mostly because I find Hattori to be pleasantly different from Shinichi. They had some sort of different personalities and I like that. Heiji is witty too. Though I don't really like those scenes where he and Kazuha starts bickering like get a room or something bitches, clearly you guys like each other, you're giving me a headache for god's sake. And the episodes for Detective Boys is always fun to watch. Genta can be rough and reckless (I hate those kind of kids tbfh) but he get the story some progress so it's fine I guess and both Mitsuhiko and Ayumi are so cute. With Ayumi and her little puppy love for Conan (kinda scary at one point but still very cute)
I enjoyed watching them nonetheless.
Because although some episodes are a bit boring or not as interesting (in terms of the story line or the tricks used) and can be predictable too, it still is charming and managed to keep you interested. Some episodes can really get you worked up, trying to guess which one is the culprit, so kudos to that. And even though it get a little exaggerated in later episodes (around 500+?) there are new characters and more insights on the Black Organization (which tbh one of the things that I look forward to) so I guess it's understandable why the episodes are 800+. I kinda like how the story is progressing, a little bit confusing, mysterious and there are some episodes where they left the viewers some room to make their own assumptions.
I'm still at the stage where nothing big is going on so I can't say much, but maybe when I'm finally done with the whole series (yes, I'm planning to watch all 800+ episodes) I'll type another post 
So if you guys wanna watch Detective Conan (or other animes really) online, click the link below. There are tons of anime right there so you guys can enjoy watching them for free.
There's also this website that gives you detailed information on Detective Conan so check them out if you want to.

Detective Conan World

And tbch ideky I type this review kind of thing, maybe because I'm bored as fuck right now and starving too. But whatever.
Have a great day guys!


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Good Old Times

p/s: this will be one of those long-ass vomit posts so be warned
edited on 12:07 PM, 8/23/2015 because of my terrible grammars

Hey guys, long time no update. How're you guys doing? Fine, I hope.
So uh, there's nothing much going on right now tbh. I'm at the end of my semester break, will be heading back to Bachok next week. Sad, yeah, I know. But life goes on, I guess. So many things to do, so little time. Everything felt like yesterday. One day I opened my eyes it's 6th August and the next day it's 23rd August. How time flies. It's not like I'm occupied with anything really. I'm basically spending my break doing nothing but eat, sleep, watching movies or read some books, doing chores, eat and sleep again and then repeat. Sometimes I did my arts, sometimes I write my stories. I didn't do any part-time job which explain why I'm broke. That, and because my phone 's busted and I had to get a new one that actually functional. So, there goes my money. I'm constantly hungry too ideky. But most of the time, I just sleep. Yeah, I know, unproductive as fuck. But what the heck. Just enjoy life while you can.
Speaking of life, my results came out last week and guess what. My result is quite decent. I did badly during my 2nd semester actually and trust me when I say bad, I meant really bad. There are lots of complication going on and things happened, I really didn't expect to get a good result for someone who screwed a lot. I told some of my old friends and they're like, gosh you didn't change at all and I felt bad a little because yikes, that's not a good thing to hear. I mean aren't I supposed to make a change right now? I'm growing up, learning and adapting to new things, I should realize the important things in my life right now, right? I can't always be the old rebellious me. 
I went to school today (they're having co-curriculum day where lots of activities were held for the students from every club in the school to participate) so I get to see lots of improvements there. The school is slowly changing. But I can still feel the good old times I had there. I can still see what remains there or the after-effect; like a mark. Quite literally actually.  You know how the students brought illegal things into the dorm, phones, ipods, mp3 players (all of those stuff) and once in a while there's spot-check right?  There's this one time, back when I was in my final year, we didn't know that there's spot-check going on (we were hanging out around the town) and when we get back everyone was busy. So we went straight to the back of the hostel, there's a small space there hidden between the toilet and the bath, so we dig up, wrapped our stuff in plastics and newspapers and buried them. When the spot-check was over, we waited until late night and retrieved it. Works every time. But not anymore, that small space is now covered in cement. Turns out the school knows about it and had it covered lol they tried so hard. And they got a newly constructed bath too! Lucky.. Well, the school did that probably because one of my friends jumped on the roof of the old bath and fell right into one of the huge bath tubs. I was there and it was kinda scary you know, with blood all over the place and you saw your friend lying inside  the tub unconscious, I almost thought she died. They fixed the roof, replaced it with the new ones- it was completely shattered. And they even put safety grills around the hostel- at the stairs and by the toilets (you can get to the roof of the old bath there)  it was kinda funny tbh. They used the abandoned toilet at the third floor now too (they fixed the problems somehow) back then we often used the toilet like a secret hideout except that it's not so much of a secret. The students never go near the toilet; it's haunted they said. It's at the end of the corridor, near the swamp, kinda scary especially at night (they saw a woman standing there) idk we don't really give a shit anyway. Usually we just hang out, watching videos and some other stuff that you don't want to know. It was all good fun, great memories or not. The hostel improved and a lot cleaner. Back then, there were palm trees and banana trees and shrubs near the fences, even monkeys get into our dorms and eat our food! Stupid monkeys, but they clean it out now. Maybe they should repaint the hostel. It looks ugly and haunted af. And fix the fences too; the ones that I cut off and stepped on were still there. Well anyways, I get to see my old teachers back when I was in school too ofc. They remembered me, well, mostly because of my 'great' deed back then. 
And all of them was like, 'Oh you! Yeah, I remember you.' 
'Oh, you're one of those girls back then right?'
'Hani Izzaty! Budak nakal dulu ni!'
'Ni Hani Izzaty! Dia sorang je yang terkeluar ni.' What my teacher meant here is that I was the only one in my class that didn't study neither religion nor science or languages (which is not true /sigh/ there's another classmate of mine- but I doubt this matters to her- who study at the same university as I am right now, but in different course. He's in Cultural Heritage) I was in an 'elite' class back then called 'Agama Sains', where I studied both religion and science. So I had 12 subjects (KKQ included) instead of 10 or 9 during SPM. 
I honestly didn't think I'd leave such memories in their heads. Though I had fun back then (good old times) I felt kinda bad. I'd like to say that I'm not that bad now. That I know what I'm doing and I'm trying to improve myself, I'm trying to be better. I wanted to say that I still have so many things to do and even though I keep making mistakes, I tried to learn from them. There are so many things going on, sometimes I couldn't keep up, so I'm still trying my best. I know that I'm not the best, but I'm trying to be. I'm trying to be the best in my own way. 
But words can only do much, actions prove it all.
I guess I still had a long way to go.


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